Note: If you log in from the school’s learning management system such as Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, Moodle, etc., then creating an account is not necessary, enrolling in a class is also not necessary. Go here instead.
Only first-time users should set up a new account by following these steps:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click LabSim Login
Step 3: Click Create an Account
Step 4: For each field, enter your information.
- Be aware that the password field is case sensitive.
- If entering an activation code, be sure to include the dashes.
- Enter mobile number to enable username and password recovery via text if you would like (not required).
Step 5: Click Create Account
Note: If you have purchased an additional LabSim product or TestOut Pro Certification voucher, and you now need to add it to your LabSim account, go here instead.