Applicable Products: CertMaster Learn, CertMaster Labs, CertMaster Practice (LTI 1.3)
Part 1: Enable LTI Tools in Blackboard
This part may require no action if your institution already uses LTI tools regularly.
Logged in as an Admin, click System Admin at the top, then navigate to LTI Tool Providers under the Integrations section.
Click Manage Global Properties on the screen that appears.
Ensure that Enabled in Courses and Allow configured tool providers to post grades are both set to Yes. The other settings can be configured as desired.
Part 2: Registering the tool
Logged in as an Admin, click System Admin at the top, then navigate to LTI Tool Providers under the Integrations section.
Click Register LTI 1.1 Tool on the screen that appears. Have the parameter documentation sent by your CompTIA integration specialist nearby.
Fill out the dialogue as follows:
Provider Domain:
Provider Domain Status: Approved
Secondary Hostnames: <Leave blank>
Default Configuration: Set globally
Tool Provider Key: (Copy and paste from your docs)
Tool Provider Secret: (Copy and paste from your docs)
Tool Provider Custom Parameters: (Copy and paste from your docs)
Note there are two sets of Custom Parameters in your docs, make sure to only copy the one from the Tool Provder Settings table, which should look like account_key=XXXXXXX
Send User Data: Send user data only over SSL
User Fields to Send: Check every box (Role in Course, Name, and Email Address)
Allow Membership Service Access: Yes
Click Submit at the bottom right to be taken back to the LTI Tool Providers screen.
Part 3: Add Placements
Find the tool you just created ( and mouse over it. Click the arrow that appears to the right of the link, and select Manage Placements.
You will create three placements for each desired certification course: Learner Dashboard, Instructor Dashboard, and Practice Test. Click Create Placement, and fill out the dialogue as follows:
Label: (copy and paste from your docs)
Description can be left blank
Handle: (copy and paste from your docs)
Availability: Yes
Type: There are a variety of ways to set this up depending on your course’s flow, and what you want to make available when and to whom, but below are our recommendations. Note that regardless of how you set it up, the Practice Test tool is the only tool that supports grading, and a user must be an Instructor or Admin in Blackboard in order to reach the Instructor Dashboard.
For Learner Dashboard placement: Course content tool, leave Allows grading unchecked
For Instructor Dashboard placement: Course tool, leave Allows student access unchecked
For Practice Test placement: Course content tool, check Allows grading
Launch in New Window: Check or uncheck as desired. Recommend leaving unchecked.
Icon: None
Tool Provider URL: (copy and paste from docs)
Tool Provider Key and Secret should autopopulate with your Key and Secret from Part 1.
Tool Provider Custom Parameters: (copy and paste from docs)
For Learner Dashboard and Instructor Dashboard: One line each for template_xid and mode
For Practice Test: One line each for template_xid, mode, and module_key
Click Submit.
Repeat Step 2 for each placement needed. You will need three per certification in total.
Part 3: Setting LTI and Tool Availability
This part may require no action depending on your Global LTI Properties.
Navigate to System Admin → Tools and Utilities → Tools, and scroll down to LTI. Confirm that it is switched to On.
In the desired course, under Course Management on the left, select Tool Availability.
Confirm that all CertMaster tools are checked in the far right column, Available in Content Area
Confirm that the row for LTI is checked in the Available column.
If any of these are not checked and grayed out, your System Admin has likely disabled LTI at a scope that includes your course. This can differ according to your institution’s policies, but it could be disabled at any of the following levels:
At the system-wide level: System Admin → Tools and Utilities → Tools → LTI
At the organization level: System Admin → Organizations → Organization Settings → Organization Tools
At the all-courses level: System Admin → Courses → Course Settings → Course Tools
Note: CertMaster products will have crossed-out icons under the first three columns of Tool Availability, including the Available column. This seems counterintuitive, but it is correct.
See screenshots below for additional assistance.
Step 1.3
Step 2.2 Click ‘Register LTI 1.1 Tool Provider
Step 2.3 Fill out dialogue according to Documentation. (NOTE: DO NOT COPY SAMPLE VALUES FROM THIS IMAGE. Please reference Step 2.3 for how to fill out form.)
Example CompTIA Docs
Step 3.1 Click the arrow to the right of the tool and select 'Manage Placements'
Step 3.2 Fill out Placement dialogue according to documentation. (NOTE: DO NOT COPY SAMPLE VALUES FROM THIS IMAGE. Please reference Step 3.2 for how to fill out form. Different placements require slightly different selections.)