Enrolling in your class is typical if you are logging in directly from the platform website. However, if you log in from the school’s learning management system such as Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, or Moodle, then enrolling in a class is not necessary.
When you initially setup your account, you were given the option to Enroll in your class or to Skip class enrollment. It’s important to note being enrolled in your class allows your instructor to see your scores and monitor your progress. So, it’s essential that you do the enrollment step as quickly as possible.
You still have the option to enroll in your class even after your account has been setup.
1. Click Enroll.
2. Enter your instructor’s name.
3. Select your instructor.
4. Click Enroll across from your respective class. Since your instructor may teach multiple classes be sure to select the correct class.
5. Click Yes to confirm enrollment.
6. You will now see your class listed at the top of the account Home page.
Keep in mind: If you launch a product without enrolling in a class. a Warning message immediately appears:
1. Answer Yes to “Do you want to enroll now?”
2. Enter your instructor’s name.
3. Select your instructor.
4. Click Enroll across from your respective class. Again, since your instructor may teach multiple classes be sure to select the correct class.
5. Click Yes to confirm enrollment.
6. Now you can launch the product without seeing the warning message again.
Repeat the enrollment steps if you are taking multiple classes using this platform.
If you did any course activities prior to finalizing your enrollment, that is okay. Your instructor will see all your completed work.