FAQ 1 - Blackboard Due Dates and Availability Dates
Because of a current (as of 10/6/2021) bug with Blackboard, TestOut's current Blackboard LTI 1.3 integration is not able to respect Blackboard course assignment due dates and availability dates at this time. Until bug resolution, TestOut will send grades back regardless of whether the grades are past due, or outside of defined availability date ranges.
FAQ 2 - Blackboard Course beginning and ending dates
TestOut does respect Blackboard course beginning and ending dates and will return all scores recorded between these two dates.
Problem #1
The submit score button is not displayed to the student.
"labsim_allow_outcomes" is redundant and not necessary for an LTI link to be graded in Blackboard.
Check "Enable Evaluation" to enable the submit score button.
Problem #2
When examining an LTI payload created by Blackboard with outcomes or scoring enabled. The POST LTI payload has an "lis_outcome_service_url" but no "lis_result_sourcedid".
The user launching the LTI activity does not have a Student role in the class.