Platform: Schoology
This is a multi-step Learning Management System (LMS) integration guide that allows you and your LMS Administrator to integrate your LMS to LabSim for SSO and Grade Return.
To start this integration, you must have a Consumer Key and Secret. You have two options:
- Tell your TestOut Account Representative that you would like LMS integration, and also provide the School's/District's LMS Administrator name and email.
- Use this online form to submit a Consumer Key and Secret request:
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1. Logged into Schoology as the administrator navigate to:
Tools | School Management | Integration | External Tools (tab).
2. Choose the Add External Tool Provider button (begin populating the fields).
3. The Add External Tool Provider dialog box appears like this:
4. Populate the dialog box as follows:
Tool Name: TestOut
Consumer Key: Paste in the field key as provided by your TestOut Representative.
Shared Secret: Paste in the field the secret as provided by your TestOut Representative.
Privacy: Set to Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool (should be the default).
Configuration Type: Manual
Match By: URL
Custom Parameters: labsim_class_id=@context_title
After saving and then editing the TestOut External Tool it will appear as this dialog, which you can use to verify settings: