If you're unsure if you already have a CompTIA account, we encourage you to go to the CompTIA Sign In page and click Reset your password first to see if your email is already associated with an account.
If you have a CompTIA account but no longer have access to that email, please send a help request for us to update your email address and do not create a new account.
If you don't already have a CompTIA account, follow these steps to complete the process:
- Step 1: Go to the CompTIA Sign In page.
- Step 2: Click the Sign up now link.
- Step 3: Enter your email address and click the Send verification code button.
Note: We encourage you to use a personal email address that is unlikely to change. - Step 4: Locate the email message with the verification code.
Note: The email will come from donotreply@auth.comptia.org with the subject line "CompTIA Account Email Verification." Please check your spam if you don't see it. - Step 5: Enter the verification code and click the Verify code button.
- Step 6: Click the Continue button to proceed.
- Step 7: Enter your first name and last name.
Note: If you plan to schedule an exam soon, we encourage you to enter your legal name as it appears on the ID you'll present during the exam check-in process. - Step 8: Create a password using the password requirements provided.
- Step 9: Click the checkbox to agree to CompTIA's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
- Step 9: Click the Continue button and you'll be directed to the account home page.
For subsequent logins, just go to the CompTIA account Sign In page and enter your email address and password.