Average Knowledge is the mastered knowledge growth. It is represented by increasing green bars and decreasing red (misinformation) and yellow (uncertainty) bars over multiple refreshers in the Learning Report. More refreshers will help the learner become more comfortable with the information.
Average Knowledge is calculated through the learner's confidence in the answer and whether they marked the correct answer or not.
- Misinformation: What a learner thought they knew and got wrong anyway (marked “Sure” but was incorrect).
- Uncertainty: What a learner was unsure of (marked “Unsure” or “I Don’t Know Yet”).
- Mastered Knowledge: What a learner was confident and correct on (marked “Sure” and was correct).
- Average Struggle: A breakdown of a learner's misinformation and/or uncertainty to show the efficiency of learning.
Learners should take multiple refreshers of each module in the days, weeks, and months after their initial attempt, paying special attention to what they get wrong and reading explanations to ensure understanding. Refreshers should be taken no sooner than two days after the initial learning.