This video will show administrators how to add a student in the CompTIA CertMaster Learn platform.
Hi everyone. Today, we are going to be learning how to create a single student in your CertMaster Learn institution. This functionality can only be performed by institutions using the student upload delivery method and by users who have the admin role assigned to them.
Admins will start in the Institution Admin dashboard and navigate to the Students tab. From the Students tab, you can select the dropdown from the blue box labeled New Students, and from the dropdown select Add Student. To create a student, you'll start by entering the student's name and their email. The password field is optional and best practice is to leave this field blank. If you leave this field blank, an account registration email will be sent automatically to the user. If you enter a password, you will need to manually provide this information to the user.
The following field, SIS ID, is produced automatically by our platform, so we don't need to do anything here. In the Contract section, you now want to select the contract you would like to assign to your student. This contract is certification specific and will provide the student with the associated course material. Select the course dropdown and select the contract that the student needs. At the end of each contract name, it will display how many more seats are available. I'll choose the second one as we do have 12 more seats to use.
And the last step is to confirm that the correct course is being assigned to your student. You first want to ensure that the correct course name and its exam number is being shown.
If it is correct, then you can select the checkbox. And after all the information has been looked over you can select Create to finalize the creation of your student.
After creation, you'll be brought back to the Students tab where you will see your created student at the top of the list. If a password was not set during creation, your student will automatically receive an account registration email at this time. This email contains a link that the student can use to access their account and course material for the first time and that is how you create a single student in your CertMaster Learn Institution.