Accommodations are special arrangements or reasonable adjustments for individuals with documented needs. The needs must typically be documented by a psychologist or doctor who administered a series of psychological, educational or medical tests. Examples of accommodations may include extra testing time, a separate testing room or taking breaks.
Pearson VUE reviews and manages all accommodation requests and additional details can be found on Pearson VUE's Accommodations page.
To Request a Accommodation
- Accommodations must be requested prior to scheduling your exam. A accommodation cannot be applied to a previously scheduled exam.
- Accommodations are requested online and must include the upload of required documentation. Visit the Request Accommodations page for full details and the link to the test accommodations request system.
- The required documentation may include a diagnostic report or detailed letter documenting the needs. See the Guidelines For Evaluators to be sure the required details are included.
Scheduling Your Exam With a Accommodation
If your accommodation request is approved, you will receive detailed instructions for scheduling your exam through the exam accommodations scheduling team. Note: You cannot schedule an exam with a accommodation by scheduling online.
Accommodations Support
Please reach out to Pearson VUE at with any questions or for assistance with your accommodation request.