Pearson VUE is CompTIA's testing service provider and you'll need to contact Pearson VUE directly for assistance with some exam issues.
For Support With OnVUE Exams
- By Chat: Visit Pearson VUE's OnVUE Help Page and click on the Let's Chat! icon for chat support.
- By Phone: Reach Pearson VUE customer service by phone at 877-551-7587 (toll free) or 1-312-312-5310 (toll) Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Additional regional phone numbers are also available on the OnVUE Help Page.
- By Email: Complete the email form and provide as much detail as possible regarding your issue. Note: You cannot schedule, reschedule or cancel your exam appointment by email.
For Support With In-Person Exams (Pearson VUE Test Center)
- By Chat: Visit Pearson VUE's Proctored Exams Help Page and click on the Let's Chat! icon for chat support.
- By Phone: Reach Pearson VUE customer service by phone at 877-551-7587 (toll free) or 1-312-312-5310 (toll) Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Additional regional phone numbers are also available on the Proctored Exams Help Page.
- By Email: Complete the email form and provide as much detail as possible regarding your issue. Note: You cannot schedule, reschedule or cancel your exam appointment by email.