This video will show admins how upload multiple students in the CompTIA CertMaster Learn platform.
Hello, everyone. Today, we will explore how to utilize the calendar feature on the Student Portal. To utilize this feature, you will need to have access to your course material.
Please review the videos associated with accessing the platform as a student to successfully log on. Once logged in to the platform the Student Portal landing page will display your calendar on the top left of your screen.
The first thing students will do upon entering a CertMaster Learn course is set a goal date for when they would like to complete the course. The goal date determines how many knowledge points the student needs to earn each day in order to stay on schedule.
This becomes the learning plan or path to navigate through the course. To adjust the date, the student can select the drop-down arrow next to the default date in the calendar. A detailed calendar will appear and you may now select the designated end date. In this instance, we will select a date one month out. Once the date is populated, select Set Deadline.
You will notice the structured learning plan has adjusted to complete the course within the deadline timeframe. This calendar does not omit holidays or weekends. If you choose to observe these days, your structured learning plan will automatically adjust upon logon.
The calendar feature is not permanent and can be adjusted if needed. Regardless of the end date scheduled on the calendar feature, students will have access to the course material for 12 months after the activation date.
You have now learned how to utilize the calendar feature as a student.