This video demonstrates how to navigate the User Portal where users can change their password, update their user profile and review all courses to which they have access and their respective expiration dates.
The User Portal is a useful destination for managing your account profile, changing your password and reviewing your course access.
After you have logged into CertMaster Learn, the User Portal can be accessed from the dropdown menu on the right side of your screen.
Under My Courses you will see a summary of the courses you have access to, when you were last active, your current progress in the course and when your license expires. You will also see your course history to include courses to which your access has expired.
You can expand each course in the list to see a summary of your progress on all of the different activities in the course or navigate directly to the course to continue your studies.
Under User Profile you can add a profile picture, edit your account name and email, and change your password.
Under Account Details you can view information about your role in the platform including, the name of the institution or organization you are a part of, the groups you are a part of, and, again, what courses you have access to.
From the user portal it’s easy to navigate back to your studies by using the My Courses drop-down menu, or by selecting Study from the drop-down menu on the right.