Hello, everyone.
Today We will be learning how to reset or change a password as a student on the CertMaster learn platform. Depending on whether you have forgotten your password or if you are seeking to change your password there are two ways to perform this function.
If you have forgotten your password navigate to learn.comtia.org select reset password above the login.
You will be redirected to enter your email address and select reset password.
You will be sent an automated email that contains instructions on how to reset your password.
If you are seeking to change your password use your existing credentials to log into the CertMaster learn platform user portal on the top far right of your screen select my account on the dropdown connected to the profile icon.
There you will notice your current profile information.
In the password area confirm your current password then create your new password.
Then confirm your new password.
Finally select save
A pop-up Banner will appear at the top of your page confirming that your password has been changed
You have now learned how to reset or change your password as a student on the CertMaster learn platform.