The Strength and Weaknesses Dashboard is designed to help you understand how your learning is progressing overall. It shows your average scores, your ranking against others and, if applicable, any achievements or game scores.
The Average Scores and Percentile Rank
Once you've answered a few questions, this area will show your average scores on various assessment types, including practice questions, assessments and PBQs. You can also view your percentile rank to see how you compare to others in the same course.
Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Though true exam readiness is based on many factors, the strengths and weaknesses area shows your knowledge gain based on all the questions you’ve answered in the course. Questions are grouped by lessons, with progress bars that fill based on how correctly you've answered those questions. Use this information along with your lesson confidence ratings to determine the areas you should study more.
Remember to read all lessons and perform all activities to ensure strong knowledge in all categories.