The following questions and answers (Q & A) are specific to our Canvas LTI Advantage integration. Please reach out to with additional questions or comments.
Q: Can I work with Canvas Blueprint functionality?
A: Yes, so long as you do not lock your links, whether individually, or more broadly on a course level. Said another way, make sure all links "Unlocked" before syncing to production courses. If links are locked when a sync is done, links will need to be removed and re-created.
Q: If I administer a district of schools, is it better to integrate on an individual school/sub account level, or [once] on the root level for all schools within my district?
A: Ultimately this is up to your situation. If for example you are a K12 school district and each school provides its own funding, then individually integrating each school on its respective sub-account may be more convenient for billing purposes. If funding for all schools is provided by the district then integrating once on the district level may be more efficient and provide for less administrative installation and maintenance time. That said, we suggest erring on the side of sub-accounts -- if it's found out later that changes need to be made, it's much more straightforward to merge separate campuses into one than it is to split out a single account into its constituent schools. If you have any questions, please reach out to and we are happy to provide guidance.
Q: If a student already has an existing grade for a LabSim activity at the time the course syncs with the Canvas Gradebook for the first time, the Canvas Gradebook will show the Assignment Icon for that entry.
A: This is likely due to the fact that our system has submitted a grade from a time before the course's Start Date. We strongly recommend that the all LTI links to gradable material be published for however long students have access to the Canvas course, since the student is able to go/work ahead in our platform and potentially complete assignments prematurely. Note that if corresponding assignment links are unpublished, the grade may not sync properly, even once the material becomes published. As a workaround, you may elect to unpublish Module(s) but keep assignment links published.
Q: If you are unable to see the CertMaster LTI Adv app on the module menu modal, you may have an instance of Canvas that is being locally hosted, hosted by a party other than Instructure (Canvas), or some other circumstance. In such a case you may try adjusting the Canvas Access Token Endpoint.
A: For the Access Token Endpoint, rather than (as recommended by official Instructure documentation) you may try https://<your_canvas_domain.com_here>/login/oauth2/token (again, to potentially satisfy non-Instructure hosted installations, or related).
Q: I'm creating my Developer Key for an LTI 1.3 integration, but when I finish and click Save, nothing happens. I see some orange warning messages in the configuration. Help?
A: A few things to mention here:
- The orange warning messages are simply warnings -- they appear on every single integration, and are simply letting you know that both sides of an integration need to support any features you enable in the Developer Key. They won't prevent saving the configuration.
- Most of the time, if you try to save when the Developer Key form is filled out incorrectly, a red popup message will appear from Canvas at the top of the screen giving you some clue as to the cause.
- However, if no error message appears, but the configuration still doesn't save, there is a very specific issue in Canvas that may be to blame. Try the following:
- Find the JWK Method field, and set it to "Public JWK".
- Delete the contents of the field beneath it.
- Go back up to JWK Method, and set it to "Public JWK URL".
- Confirm that the JWK URL from our documentation is in the field that is now beneath it:
Try saving the Developer Key configuration again. If it still does not work, please respond to your CompTIA integration specialist, and we'll assist you however we can.