Your certification renewal requirements include annual Continuing Education (CE) fees. Your payment due dates are based upon your CE cycle dates and not a calendar year.
You can pay for one, two or all three years at one time. Please note that you will need to pay your CE fee prior to renewing your Certification(s).
If you hold multiple CompTIA certifications, you only need to pay the CE fees for the highest level certification you wish to renew. See more details regarding renewing multiple CompTIA certifications.
To Pay Your CE Fees
- Step 1: Log in to your CompTIA account.
- Step 2: Click the Manage Certifications header.
- Step 3: Click the Go to My Certifications button to be directed to your certification account.
- Step 4: Click the Continuing Education header.
- Step 5: Click the CE Maintenance Fees menu item.
- Step 6: In the Intent drop-down box, click the certification you intend to renew and click the Submit button. Note: Only if you hold multiple certifications
- Step 7: Click the Pay Now button.
- Step 8: You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction. You may pay with a debit or credit card or with an existing PayPal account. You will not need to create a PayPal account to pay by debit or credit card.
Note: You will see a message confirming successful payment of your CE fees. You will also receive a receipt via email.
Countries Where the PayPal Payment Processor Cannot Be Used
Individuals living in countries where using PayPal as a payment processor is not supported may contact and CompTIA will allow you to purchase CE tokens.