TestOut tracks time spent in resources to a limited degree. TestOut does not have a perfect way to determine if the student is actively working on an item or just sitting on the page. For each class, you can see available details about time spent for individuals in a class and on what course resources in two reports found in the Class Reports area, the Product Usage report to see how much time each student has spent by resource type and the Individual Scores by Product report for more in-depth detail about time spent on each specific item for individual students.
The types or resources we include in these reports are Lessons/Fact sheets, Videos/demos, Exams, and Lab simulations.
Fact sheets: When the student has spent more than 10 seconds viewing the resource we send a signal to record that time to the database. A time spent update is sent about every minute after that and a final update is recorded when they navigate to a new item. If the student is on the page without moving the mouse, the maximum time recorded for these minutely updates will be 5 minutes after they last moved their mouse on the page. If they leave that fact sheet and later return to spend more time on it (exceeding 10 seconds) we add that time onto the total time spent viewing the resource.
Videos: After clicking play in the video, after 10 seconds viewing the resource we send a signal to record that time to the database. A time spent update is sent about every minute the video is playing after that and a final update is recorded when they finish the video or navigate to a new item (whichever comes first). Only time spent with the video actually playing is recorded and it is reported as real time spent watching it, so a student watching a 5 minute video one time without interruption at 2x speed would have the real time spent recorded, or 2:30 for this example. If students return to the video and spend more time on it (exceeding 10 seconds) we add that time onto the total time spent viewing the resource.
Exams (not including custom exams and certification exams): We count the total time spent with the exam open in the browser and record that only upon submitting the exam. Saved, abandoned, or unscored exam sessions will have no time recorded and not contribute to the total time spent unless they are scored/submitted. Additional submitted attempts add to the total time spent on it.
Labs simulations: Upon submitting the lab, we record the total time they spent after launching the lab until scoring the lab, unless it was longer than one hour in a single submitted session, in which case we record 1 hour. Times for additional submitted attempts are added on top of the total time spent. If the student closes the browser tab instead of submitting the lab, that time spent will go unrecorded.
Notes: Times spent logged in but not within one of the specific types of course activities mentioned above is not included within the Product Usage or Progress Report by Time Spent reports. This includes time spent viewing the glossary, and time spent in custom exams and certification exams. Time spent in certification and custom exams is, however, included in the Class Study History report and in their respective report areas on the custom exams and certifications tabs.